Medieval War Door v1.0 Introduction ============ This file is intended to aid SysOps in installing Medieval War Door as a fully functional door program on BBS systems. Currently, the only BBS system that Medieval War Door has been tested on is PCBoard 15.1. There is no reason to believe that there should be any problem installing MEDOOR onto any BBS system that supports DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, or DORINFOx.DEF. Including PCBoard, Wildcat!, and others. If you have any problems installing MEDOOR on your BBS system, please contact Burnham Park Software, Inc. for help. Installation ============ Installing Medieval War Door is extremely easy. The STEP #1: Make a MEDOOR sub-directory in your BBSs main directory (or wherever you would normally install BBS doors). Ex: md c:\pcb\medoor STEP #2: Copy the MEDOOR.ZIP file into that sub-directory. Ex: copy c:\pcb\medoor STEP #3: Change the directory to the MEDOOR sub-directory. Ex: cd \pcb\medoor STEP #4: Unzip the MEDOOR.ZIP file. Ex: pkunzip STEP #5: Delete the MEDOOR.ZIP file. Ex: del STEP #6: Use the following BBS-specific installation guide(s). PCBoard 15.x ============= After the MEDOOR files have been copied to the proper subdirectory, Get into the configuration utility (PCBSetup) and go to the proper DOORS.LST file (usually in the Main Board Configuration under "Doors"). Insert a line for a new door (Alt-I), then enter the following: MEDOOR under Filename, N for USER.SYS, Y for DOOR.SYS, N for Shell, and the MEDOOR path under Path to DOOR Files. Exit PCBSetup and, in MS-DOS, go to the MEDOOR directory. The MEDOOR batch file must now be created. The first line should have @echo off, to turn off echoing every command to the display. The second line should have the drive that contains MEDOOR, such as: c: (or %pcbdrive% to make it more generic). The third line should change the current directory to the MEDOOR directory, such as: cd \pcb\medoor. The fourth line should copy DOOR.SYS to the MEDOOR directory, such as: copy c:\pcb\door.sys (or copy %pcbdir%\door.sys to make it more generic). The fifth line should execute MEDOOR, using the DOOR.SYS file as a parameter, such as: medoor door.sys. The sixth line should change the directory back to the one that PCBoard runs from, such as: cd \pcb (or cd %pcbdir% to make it more generic). The seventh and last line should restart PCBoard, such as: board. MEDOOR should now work on your system. If you have any problems, please contact us at the addresses/phone numbers below. Configuration file ================== The configuration file MEDOOR.CFG is responsible for verifying a registered version of MEDOOR as well as determining the configuration options. For a registered version of MEDOOR. The configuration file format is (anything after a semi-colon on a line is a comment): Shark's Den ; BBS name ; Registration password Bogey Balata ; Adopter (unregistered = ignored) 20 ; Max games allowed (unregistered = 2) 3 ; Max games per player (unregistered = 1) The BBS name and registration password are absolutely necessary to invoke the registered version of MEDOOR. The other three options are only available in the registered version and determine the adopter (if there is one), the maximum games allowed (up to 50), and the maximum games per player. Help with installing MEDOOR on other BBSs ========================================= Burnham Park Software, Inc. is committed to making sure that MEDOOR runs on as many different BBS systems as possible. First, try following the PCBoard instructions with as many appropriate changes as necessary. If that doesn't work, contact us and we will try to help you as best we can. Anyone giving us information on how to successfully install MEDOOR on a major new BBS system (one for which we currently do not have any information) will receive $5 off the registration price. We can be reached at: Burnham Park Software, Inc. P.O. Box #814 Chicago, IL 60690-0814 Phone: (312) 922-6313 BBS: (312) 922-2839 CompuServe: 71532,3271 AOL: Burnsoft Internet: